Observing the Asian "Noodle Bowl"
Analizing the Asian Economic Challenge
Understanding ASEAN + 3 and more
East Asian Integration Studies
Welcome to East Asian Integration Studies, an online portal originally initiated by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Korea, and hosted by the East Asia Centre at University of Applied Sciences Zwickau from 2021 on.
The economic integration of East Asia has advanced a lot over the past years. On the one hand, this concerns the de facto-integration of product markets and increasingly also of factor markets. On the other hand, it also concerns the expanding level of institutional interdependence. However, not all approaches to integration – bilateral agreements like the Korea-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, multilateral approaches like ASEAN plus Three (China, Japan, Korea) or supra-regional appendages like ASEM, APEC or RCEP – can be reconciled with each other. The “Spaghetti-bowl effect” seems to lead to a system of trade disparity through agreements based on preferences. From a political point of view, facing hot spots like North Korea, integration becomes more and more important as well.
The field of Asian bilateral and multilateral integration is ever increasing, and so is the academic output in the field. East Asian Integration Studies extends this invitation for scholars and practitioners to review books for our website on East Asian economic integration. If you are interested in reviewing books for EAIS, please send an e-mail mentioning “book reviews” as well as the title(s) you want to review, with a short biographical note and a specification of your area of interest to Dr. Bernhard Seliger (Seliger@hss.or.kr) or Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralph Wrobel (ralph.wrobel@fh-zwickau.de).
Please find the list of all books available for review